Tuesday, October 27, 2009

Why "the view from the street?"

Perhaps I’d better explain something.

I am not a member of academia. I have only a high school education, followed by a significant portion of highly focused Navy training. I do not care if Dr. Whatshisname has written three doctoral thesis and published six books on this subject or that. I think for myself. If my conclusions agree with the Dr, all well and good. If my conclusions do not agree with the Dr, all well and good.

I am not here to discuss what some “expert” said that we are all supposed to think.  I hate that concept; I find nearly NO experts in the world.  I merely believe we are all supposed to THINK.  I think for myself; I expect others to.  If commenters come here with “but Blindangle said…” or “That’s not what a conservative is, Gonfoogle said in 1973 that…” and think that will win the day here, they are wrong.  Go away. Don’t waste your time. Blindangle and Gonfoogle (or whatever their real names might be) are not smarter than you and I. They only have a larger stage than we do. Noted.

So, this is the view from the street, pretty much literally. It’s what common people think, not what academia says we have to think. It’s what average Joes and Jills have on their mind, and how we see it from the perspective of someone who is not one of the uppercrust elite.

Hence, The View From The Street, and if I can ever figure out how to get the title properly capitalized, I will.

(edit:  It seems I have found how to capitalize the title, or at least found a work around for it.)

Liberty for the Brave,


1 comment:

  1. I really enjoyed reading what you had to say..so much truth. I wish that we as Americans would take the steps we need to and take our country back. It seems everyday in the news there is another change and so far I have not seen any change that is for the better. We, Christians, have lost so much of what this country was built on and it saddens me. Where should be place the blame? I think that is a question we should ask ourselves.


I have opened the comments for the blog for two reasons, (1) it appears that Blogger's spam catching is good enough, and (2)it appears that no one is commenting, anyway. If it ever becomes popular enough to be a concern, I'll revisit this.